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Thunderbird Sailpast 2011-06-04 017.JPG

Past Commodores

70's & 80's

1973-74 A.E. (Bert) Warrick

1975 D.A. (Don) McLean

1976 R.I. (Bob) Anderson

1977 A. (Alan) Humphries

1978 R.S. (Ron ) Suche

1979 K.G. (Ken) Dale

1980 R.J. (Bob) Warwick

1981 D.F. (Dave) Stirling

1982 W.H. (Harry) Lee

1983 T.S. (Tom) Hourigan

1984 Howard McIntyre

1985 W. (Warren) McAra

1986 E. (Ernie) Kells

1987 E. (Crawford) Ward

1988 Neil Poersch

1989 Norm Barr


1990 Ed Lee

1991 Bob Atherley

1992 Frank Chambers

1993 Larry Nash

1994 Harry Stant

1995 Neil Biddlecombe

1996 R. Himmelsbach

1997 Ron Cullen

1998 Ross Richardson

1999 D. Miller / Norm Jewison



2000 Norm Jewison

2001 Kim McFarlane

2002 Brian Jamieson

2003 Tina Smith

2004 Cesare Gianna

2005 Carl Ingraham

2006 Michael McCready

2007 Bob Gautschi

2008 Reg Allen

2009 Roger Chabot



2010 Les Morton

2011 Dorothy Fallan

2012 Bill McNeney

2013 Barry Ehrl

2014 Diana Lyons

2015 Ray Dennis

2016 Ray Dennis

2017 Barry Ehrl

2018 Stephen Leahy

2019 Jim Ptycia



2020 Cathy Dietrich

2021 Mark Smith

2022 Joe Schretlan

flying  burgee

Thunderbird Yacht Club  PO Box 91036 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N3

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