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Dues & Fees


  • Membership includes unlimited use of the Clubs' outstations throughout the year

  • TBYC does not have permanent moorage at any of our outstations

  • The fiscal year for the Club covers the period from October 1st to and including September 30th of the following year

  • In addition to the Annual Dues, each membership must complete 12 hours of volunteer work throughout the year.  Members who are not able to complete 12 hours will be subject to an assessment of $500.00, due on January 31st with the Annual Dues payment.


Entrance Fees​


  • Entrance fees are $5,000 plus GST

  • Entrance fees are a one-time fee, applicable to all memberships and are due when submitting the application and are non-refundable

  • If there is a Wait List at the time of your application, then a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the Entrance fee is required to maintain your spot on the Wait List. The balance of the Entrance Fee is due immediately upon confirmation of Active Status

  • Should the application not be approved, all funds received will be returned to the applicant

  • Any increases are determined by the Board of Directors each year


Annual Dues


  • ​Dues for 2025 are currently $1,450 per year plus GST for Active Members

  • ​Annual Contribution to Capital Reserve is $100

  • Dues for 2025 are currently $200 per year plus GST for Memberships on Hold (MOH)

  • Annual dues  cover the period of January 1st through to and including December 31st of each year

  • Increases are determined by the Board of Directors and reviewed each year

  • Dues must be paid no later than January 31st in each year.  Late charges will be applied.

  • New members are required to pay the full amount regardless of which month the membership begins, prior to September. 

  • New membership applications accepted after Labour Day will be pro-rated to the end of the calendar year​


Wait List and Standby List


  • Thunderbird Yacht Club’s Active membership is capped at 135 Members. We are currently at the membership cap and any new member applications are put on a Wait List, in the order of receipt. New member spots become available when existing Members resign or move to Membership on Hold (MOH) status.

  • The Wait List is capped at 14. When the Wait List is full, a Standby List is in effect.

  • You may reserve your spot on the Standby List, with a $100 non-refundable deposit, to be received with the application.  This ensures your name is added to the Wait List when space becomes available.

  • Once your name moves to the Wait List, a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the Entrance fee is required to maintain your spot on the Wait List.

  • There is no guarantee as to the length of time on either the  Wait List or Standby List.

  • The membership cap is subject to review by the Board of Directors.


flying  burgee

Thunderbird Yacht Club  PO Box 91036 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N3

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