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Ekins Echo, Winter 2021

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

Everything you need to know about this spring's happenings.


Hello Members! I hope you’re doing well and enjoying a new year.

Just to give you an update, your Board is hard at work making preparations for a fast-approaching spring. At Ekins, look forward to seeing new tilting umbrellas, safety ladders, solar lights, hoses and a slide off the annex dock, just to name a few.

We are constantly striving to balance our increasing costs versus dues. To that end, we will be offering limited temporary winter seasonal moorage to our members at both Snug Cove and Gibson’s, so please contact Joe Schretlen, our Outstations and Moorage manager for details.

Boating continues to be a popular activity during these times, which is evidenced by our wait list. We want to enjoy your friendship for years to come, so please keep yourself and others safe by avoiding large gatherings, maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently. By doing this, hopefully COVID will become a distant memory.

The days are now getting longer, and we all know what that means …boating season is just around the corner!

I wish you all the best, and Shelley and I look forward to seeing you out on the water.

Best wishes,

Mark Smith



We conducted a visual inspection of Ekins on Feb 17, 2021 to see how the facilities faired through the winter. Unfortunately, we sustained damage to the annex dock, north finger, closest to Potts Point.

In addition to this damage, we also have some repairs required to the foundation of the metal staircase on the Green Mile. Due to these problems we are closing the Annex Dock and the Green Mile until such time that repairs can be made.

We will update you all as soon as the repairs have been completed, which should be on or before April 18, 2021.

Special Thanks to Chelsea Naylor and Wayne Naylor for the ride to Ekins.


TBYC members should note that the annual spring power washing will take place from March 23-26, and as a result we request that members do not visit Ekins during this time.

If there are any questions or concerns about this work or closure of Ekins please contact Ekins Manager Travis Endersby

or 1-778-549-4200


April 17/18, 2021

We will not be holding a formal work party the spring, however, Ekins still needs a lot of love and there are many projects and tasks to complete before the season starts. There is a current job list on the website under Ekins Point. Members are reminded that they still need to complete 12 hours of volunteer time, and this is a great way to get your hours in on your time frame.

Please contact Ekins Manager and Rear Commodore, Travis Endersby at You must contact Travis prior to starting any work, and advise him of your progress and what has been completed as soon as possible.

Please note that Travis and a few other Directors will be at Ekins to work on getting the facilities ready for the season, the weekend of April 17/18th and some of you may want to join in and contribute at that time. Current restrictions allow us to perform work as long as we are socially distant or wearing a mask if distancing is not possible.

If you are planning to attend the April weekend we will be sending out another communication in about a month to organize our members and our task list. As last year, masks and sanitizer will be available.


Sunday, May 23rd 2021

Please note that there are no planned on-shore events at this time. Please check the website for updates on this weekend closer to the date.


Masks are mandatory indoors everywhere on USSC Marina property as well as in the all stores on the Island. The washroom, shower and laundry facilities are open for use and cleaned daily, sanitation bottles are provided by the sinks for your use as well. Our boaters lounge is closed for lounge use, and only two people max are allowed in at any time to use washroom, shower or laundry facilities. We ask that you refrain from shopping in the local stores being that they are quite small and difficult to maintain social distancing within. Please bring what you need. Our restaurant is open for dine-in and take-out.

Gibson’s, Pender Harbour and Silva Bay (with present construction on their docs) are open to welcome TBYC members as usual. As per provincial health recommendation no group gatherings, travel within bubble, and mask are required in public buildings, which is the facility / washroom building.

Website Update

Many thanks to Janis and Diana for their creativity and computer skills to make the website very informative, fun and easy to browse.

There are a few new features that have been added for members convenience:

* Now you can log your stay on the website if you forget. The link is under OUTSTATIONS, member password required

* Members can also register their work hours online under EKINS POINT, members password required

Password: TBYC2016


Please check your current membership information

to ensure your contact information, the boat name and length is correct on the website listing. Any changes should be directed to Jana Fritsch or (604) 760-2116 by March 15th.

Membership Report

I am pleased to report that our Club continues to be in demand, and we have a short membership wait list. This is the time of year we traditionally see turnover and changes with TBYC members moving, getting out of boating, and resigning or deciding to go Social. As of the date of writing this, we have not yet had any Active member resignations this year. We have had several members go to Social and that has opened up spots on the Active roster.

The following members have decided to go Social:

Neil McClelland and Donna Bolton

Ken and Diana Lyons

Troy and Chelsey Morphy

Fred and Cathy Dietrich

Derek and Johanna Rundell

Social members are entitled to attend and take part in all social activities of the Club, but have no voting rights nor any outstation privileges. We thank these members for their many contributions to the Club and hope to welcome them back to Active membership in the future.

A warm welcome to the new members who have joined this year:

Harry Girgulis and Cathy Lauer on Mrs Sippy

Jeff Cote on Sarah Point

Dave Short and Lynn Haupt on My Girl

Wendy and Brent Pollock on Reel Affair

Chris and Tasha Ceraldi on Rocky

Did you know that over 90% of our new members are referred by existing members? It is only normal that we want friends, family, colleagues and neighbours who are boaters to experience and enjoy our fine Club. You play a very key role in spreading the word about TBYC, and we can all do our part to ensure our Club remains strong and vibrant.

Yes, we currently have a short wait list for new members. However, new member applicants may prepay the entrance fee in advance to receive a special discount of $1,000 off the regular entrance fees of $4,000 - now is the time to join and secure a spot on the wait list!

If you know of any potential members, please direct them to our website at for information about us and membership. As a small encouragement and thank you, if you propose a new member and they are accepted, you will be credited $200.00 on next year’s dues (make sure you are listed as the proposer on the application form). Any questions, please contact Janis Ostling, Staff Captain and Membership Chair at

Here’s to a great boating year ahead,

Janis R. Ostling

Staff Captain and Membership Chair


Please visit our website, sit back and watch the beautifully made videos from Ekins to remind yourself of the good times of fun & camaraderie on the docks and fill your hearts with hopes to bring them back soon.

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